The role of professional member organisations in promoting gender equity and advancing women in healthcare leadership

Most organisations had policies on flexible and interrupted training, but few had transparent data on how people were selected for committees or training programs. 

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New CEO appointed to lead Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE)

SAGE is pleased to welcome Dr Janin Bredehoeft as our new Chief Executive Officer from December 2022.

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Improving the visibility of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives

To increase employee engagement with equity, diversity and inclusion issues and initiatives, the University of Southern Queensland developed a dedicated dashboard and website to keep employees informed about relevant information and progress.

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Using Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) methods to achieve gender equity

HFE methods are used to design safe, user-friendly products that meet people’s needs. Can we apply the same methods to set up workplace policies and systems that achieve inclusive outcomes for all?

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SAGE subscribers on the front foot of tackling gender inequity

On the occasion of Equal Pay Day, SAGE highlights why organisations must not lose sight of gender equity, and how SAGE subscribers continue to put this issue front and centre, despite challenging circumstances.

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Using Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) methods to achieve gender equity

HFE methods are used to design safe, user-friendly products that meet people’s needs. Can we apply the same methods to set up workplace policies and systems that achieve inclusive outcomes for all?

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Promoting gender equity within the academic promotions process

Macquarie University’s new academic promotions scheme recognises a wider range of achievements, resulting in increased applications from women. 

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Cultivating an ecosystem of support for academic women at Swinburne University of Technology

The Swinburne Women’s Academic Network offers practical and social support for women around promotion, career development, grant writing and research funding.

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Episode 19: Disrupting the system through women-only recruitment

The University of Melbourne talks about their targeted strategy for recruiting more talented women into their STEM faculties.

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Gender affirmation support at Deakin University

Read how staff and students are supported on their gender affirmation journey at Deakin, the first Australian university to introduce gender affirmation leave.

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Disrupting the status quo: incremental versus systemic change

We brought together five equity, diversity and inclusion innovators for a panel discussion on the power of disruptive thinking to smash barriers and stereotypes.

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