The SAGE National Network
When you join SAGE, you become part of a nationwide community of practice, working to drive change at the institutional and sector level. Together, we build relationships with government, industry and other stakeholders to collectively advocate for the change the tertiary education and research sector needs.
SAGE Regional Networks
Australia’s a big country. SAGE Regional Networks allow institutions in the same region to work together to discuss local issues and opportunities, undertake collective advocacy, co-create good practice and resources, and provide peer support.
Members take turns to host Regional Network meetings, which happen at least four times a year. These formal opportunities are not the only opportunity to connect though. Many members maintain regular contact with each other, as they enjoy collaborating with and learning from their peers.
Get help with your Cygnet Award application
Wondering how other organisations are collecting data for their application, or what they do when that data can’t be found? What indicators are they using to demonstrate outcomes and impact?
If you’re looking for advice, inspiration or a critical friend to review your draft, use the database below to find people who are working on similar Key Barriers. You can also add your own Key Barriers and contact details so others can connect with you.
See what Key Barriers others are working onThe SAGE team are here to provide advice on your Cygnet Award application, whether you’re just getting started or almost ready to submit. There’s no question too big or too small – contact one of our advisors today.
Special Interest Groups
From their Athena Swan Award applications, we know that many SAGE subscribers identified similar systemic barriers to attraction, retention and progression within their institutions. Dismantling these barriers can be a difficult and time-consuming exercise, but our subscribers don’t have to do it alone, because they have access to thriving communities of practice within the SAGE network.
In a Special Interest Group (SIG), members from different institutions pool their resources and expertise to tackle a specific problem. The solutions they design are later shared with the sector so that everyone can benefit.
Current SIG – Cultural Diversity
The Cultural Diversity SIG is developing a position statement to guide anti-racism and cultural inclusion work in higher education and research institutions.
Past SIG – Workload Allocation
The Workload Allocation SIG developed a principles-based matrix for equitable workload allocation which can be used in conjunction with current Workload Allocation Models at institutions.
The matrix includes case examples of good practice. Its underlying principles can be applied across all levels of an institution, whether it’s from the perspective of senior leadership, local managers or staff members.
Join a Group
If you’d like to join or contribute to an existing SIG, send us an email and we’ll put you in touch with the group lead.
Form a new Group
SAGE subscribers who are interested in forming a new SIG should contact the SAGE team. We can help you find collaborators and coordinate Group activities.
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If you are a staff member or student at a SAGE subscriber institution, please enter your institutional email address and we will send you a validation link.