Participation and career fulfillment for parents and carers: RMIT earns second SAGE Cygnet Award

RMIT is the first University in Victoria to receive a second SAGE Cygnet Award.

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Strides forward in flexible work: Western Sydney University receives SAGE Cygnet Award

Western Sydney University has formalised remote working as part of its actions to improve flexible work.

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“We’re more than just our metrics”: Fairer academic promotions earn Monash a SAGE Cygnet Award

Monash becomes the first Group of Eight university to earn a SAGE Cygnet Award.

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Could grant funding soon be linked to EDI?

SAGE applauds the Diversity in STEM Review Draft Recommendations.

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Geoscience Australia first to earn three SAGE Cygnet Awards with action on everyday sexism and flexible work

“We have not taken our eye off our key gender and diversity goals”: GA’s commitment to workplace inclusion drives their speedy progress.

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Edith Cowan University achieves second Cygnet Award

ECU has publicly evaluated the progress, outcomes and impact of their actions to retain and progress women in STEMM.

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Griffith University’s LGBQTIA+ inclusion efforts earn a SAGE Cygnet Award

Griffith identified challenges for LGBTQIA+ staff and students and took action to improve campus culture.

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Addressing bullying and harassment as organisational – not individual – problems

Bullying and harassment can’t be solved by behaviour-based strategies like policies, education and training. Let’s focus instead on risk factors in the workplace environment.

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Addressing sexual harassment in health and medical research

Hear about the findings from the Respect in Research Project, and how they’ll be used to create sector-specific tools for health and medical research organisations.

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Addressing bullying and harassment as organisational – not individual – problems

Bullying and harassment can’t be solved by behaviour-based strategies like policies, education and training. Instead, we should focus on risk factors in the workplace environment.

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Intersectional approaches to identifying priorities and action planning

From Advance HE’s Enhancing Practice series, this webinar shows you how to collect and use data in an intersectional way, with help from expert data analysts, academics and equity practitioners from the UK.

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Interpreting data through an intersectional lens

Learn how to analyse data through an intersectional lens and explain what the findings mean to others in your organisation.

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