Geoscience Australia first to earn three SAGE Cygnet Awards with action on everyday sexism and flexible work

“We have not taken our eye off our key gender and diversity goals”: GA’s commitment to workplace inclusion drives their speedy progress.

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Cygnet Award application (sexual harassment) – Geoscience Australia

Read about Geoscience Australia’s actions to address everyday sexism and sexual harassment.

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Cygnet Award application (flexible work) – Geoscience Australia

Read how Geoscience Australia made it easier for their employees to access flexible work and leave arrangements.

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Cygnet Award application (inclusive culture) – Geoscience Australia

Read Geoscience Australia’s first Cygnet Award application, which focuses on building an inclusive culture.

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Stamping out sexual harassment and sexism at Geoscience Australia

Acting on feedback from CEO Listen and Learn sessions, Geoscience Australia prepares to launch a new Sexual Harassment and Sexism Policy and Procedure.

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SAGE welcomes sector experts to new Athena Swan Australia Advisory Committee

The Committee will provide independent advice and guidance on the implementation of the Athena Swan Charter in Australia.

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Quarterly update from the CEO, Q4 2022

New SAGE CEO Dr Janin Bredehoeft shares her outlook for 2023 as outgoing CEO Dr Wafa El-Adhami wraps up another eventful year for SAGE.

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