If we are trying to create change towards a more diverse, equitable and inclusive world, then we need to understand what works and how to improve what doesn’t.  

Evaluation is a key part of any equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) program. It allows you to understand if, how and to what extent your actions are creating change. 

This hands-on workshop provides practical advice to help you to evaluate your program. It will give you the tools to bring accountability, transparency, demonstrable impact and an evidence-based approach to EDI programs. 

What to expect: 

In the first half of the workshop, Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith, the Australian Government’s Women in STEM Ambassador, will outline why we need to evaluate EDI programs. Then, Isabelle Kingsley — author of the National Evaluation Guide — will break evaluation down into a simple, 5-step approach. She will show you how to embed evaluation within your program from the very beginning. 

In the second half of the workshop, Isabelle will help you will complete your own evaluation plan using templates and resources from the National Evaluation Guide. The session will end with an open Q&A forum. 

Before the workshop: 

Please familiarise yourself with the National Evaluation Guide and associated resources. Come ready with an EDI program to evaluate—it can be your own, someone else’s or a sample program. 


  • Isabelle Kingsley, Office of the Women in STEM Ambassador and University of New South Wales 
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith, Women in STEM Ambassador 

SAGE note 

The STEM Equity Evaluation Portal is now ready. Find out how to use it in the launch video.