The Telethon Kids Institute sees psychological safety (or voice safety) as an integral component of a positive, supportive culture. They were the first medical research institute to actively measure this in their annual engagement survey. Since then, they continuously benchmark themselves against their peers and their past performance.

To improve voice safety amongst staff and students, Telethon Kids developed ongoing initiatives with measurable outcomes to monitor impact. Now, they’re seeking more granular feedback across research areas and teams to support targeted initiatives.

Voice safety training has been incorporated into all of Telethon Kids’ leadership programs, coaching and induction modules. They have also implemented anti-bullying and harassment training, mental health awareness training and expanded their Employee Assistance Program service provision to provide more flexible and comprehensive support.

The Institute states, “We recognise this is a significant cultural undertaking, requiring ongoing effort, vigilance and support from everyone, particularly those in leadership positions. We actively foster a supportive environment where team members are encouraged to speak up to raise concerns, grievances, ideas for change and to provide feedback without fear of negative repercussions.”