The DVC (Indigenous Strategy and Services) portfolio at the University of Sydney recently celebrated the success of another semester’s delivery of the Service Learning in Indigenous Communities (SLIC) unit of study.

For the first time since 2019, 22 (15 women) third-year students plus one postgraduate student from diverse disciplines spent 10 days on Country (in person rather than virtually as in 2020) undertaking two priority projects identified and co-designed with community partners.

One project facilitated the identification and documentation of strengths, challenges and aspirations and supported 2021/22 Operational Planning with Community Services Managers of the Torres Strait Island Regional Council.

The second documented the impact and evaluated the potential of the Tribal Warrior/Palm Island Maritime Training Project to contribute to wellbeing and sustainable business, education and employment opportunities for the Palm Island community.

Since returning, students completed two excellent reports to hand back to community and speak of a profoundly life-changing experience.

Watch testimonials from students who participated in the program: