You’ve probably heard people say that women wait longer than men to apply for promotion. Is that true in your institution? Well, that’s a question you might be able to answer when you explore promotion, and other pathways for career development, during your self-assessment process.

In this video, we’ll study how SAGE subscribers analysed their promotion data for their Bronze Award applications.

Relevant section in the Athena Swan Bronze Award application

  • 4.2(v) for higher education institutions
  • 4.2(v) for research institutions

What we’ll discuss

  • What we mean by Barriers and Sub-issues
  • Whether men have better promotion outcomes than women, and whether women are less confident than men in applying for promotion
  • Why it’s important to look at proportion of cohort
  • Being cautious about drawing conclusions from small numbers
  • How to balance data disaggregation and individual privacy
  • The importance of qualitative data in uncovering barriers and sub-issues, and identifying areas for action

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