How diverse is your organisation’s top governing body? The Executive? Other high-level decision-making committees? These groups make important decisions that affect people across the organisation, so we want them to be diverse enough to represent everyone in the organisation, especially those who will be most affected by those decisions.

In this video, we’ll look at how you can explore the composition of high-level decision-making committees to see where there may be gaps in representation. We’ll show you how some of our SAGE subscribers explored committee composition in their Bronze Award applications.

Relevant section in the Athena Swan Bronze Award application

  • 3.1(v) for higher education institutions
  • 3.1(iv) for research institutions

What we’ll discuss

  • Which committees you might want to investigate
  • Why it’s important to consider role on the committee as well as representation
  • Some challenges of achieving diverse representation
  • How to take an intersectional approach to investigating committee composition

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