Quarterly update from the CEO, Q1 2023

SAGE CEO Dr Janin Bredehoeft calls on Australia’s higher education and research sector to lead the way in gender equity, diversity and inclusion.

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The University of Newcastle becomes first Australian university to achieve two Cygnet Awards

The university used targeted recruitment strategies and career development programs to attract, retain and progress more women and Indigenous staff.

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Interpreting data through an intersectional lens

Learn how to analyse data through an intersectional lens and explain what the findings mean to others in your organisation.

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Promoting safe, respectful relationships between research supervisors and students

RMIT University’s Respectful Research Training Program teaches researchers how to maintain professional boundaries within staff–student relationships.

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Moving towards fair and equitable workload allocation: piloting the Workload Allocation Principles Matrix

Learn how to use the Workload Allocation Principles Matrix, a tool designed by SAGE subscribers for guiding fair and equitable workload allocation. 

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Intersectional and place-based barriers to women’s advancement in higher education

Why is an intersectional approach to GEDI work important? Because race/religion and parental responsibility have an effect on career opportunities for women. 

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A diversity and inclusion toolkit by the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering

The ATSE D&I Toolkit provides small and medium enterprises with guidance on how to recruit, retain and progress a diverse workforce. 

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Advancing women in healthcare leadership: a national organisation-level research and translation partnership

The initiative brings together medical and nursing colleges, leading health services, government and academia to co-design and implement structural change. 

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Knowledge, skills and experiences developed to be an effective university EDI practitioner

Three Associate Deans reflect on how they work collectively, share resources and grow their EDI knowledge to drive inclusion at their institution.

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Diversity Interventions 2022 SAGE: complete catalogue

Find links to watch every presentation from the Diversity Interventions 2022 SAGE conference (5 to 6 April 2022).

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Achievement relative to opportunity: beyond academic promotion

Assessing achievement relative to opportunity (ARtO) enables equity, but its use is often limited to academic promotion. RMIT tries applying it to recruitment.

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Job opportunity: Communications Manager

Come work for us! We have an exciting role for a communications professional who can promote the work that SAGE and our subscribers do in gender equity, diversity and inclusion.

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