Quarterly update from the CEO, Q4 2022

New SAGE CEO Dr Janin Bredehoeft shares her outlook for 2023 as outgoing CEO Dr Wafa El-Adhami wraps up another eventful year for SAGE.

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Evaluating the Franklin Women Mentoring Program

Hear how the Franklin Women Mentoring Program helped mid-career women get ahead in the health and medical research sector.

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Quarterly update from the CEO, Q3 2022

SAGE CEO Dr Wafa El-Adhami shares key announcements and highlights from SAGE’s activities over the last three months.

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Evaluating the Franklin Women Mentoring Program

Hear about the Program’s impact on mid-career women in the health and medical research sector, from an implementation perspective and from the firsthand experiences of a participating mentor and mentee.

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Addressing workplace sexual harassment in the Australian university sector

How developed are the strategies used by Australian universities to tackle workplace sexual harassment? Let’s examine their Athena Swan applications to find out.

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Everybody needs a little MAGIC

Participants reflect on how Mentoring and Guidance in Careers (MAGIC) workshops have impacted their lives, two to four years later.

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Inclusion starts before Day One: Onboarding

A well-planned induction signals that the organisation cares about its employees’ success. Here are 9 things to do when welcoming a new staff member.

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Targeted recruitment at the University of Newcastle

Determined to shift the dial, the University of Newcastle used a targeted recruitment strategy to boost women’s and Indigenous staff representation in key areas. Here, they recount their successes, learnings and next steps.

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Interrogating relationships between student support initiatives and Indigenous student progression

Australian universities offer various support programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, but do these programs achieve their goal of education equity?

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Quarterly update from the CEO, Q1 2022

SAGE CEO, Dr Wafa El-Adhami, shares updates on the SAGE team’s progress toward strategic priorities.

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Consultation on the Workload Allocation Principles Matrix

The SAGE Special Interest Group on workload allocation is inviting SAGE subscribers to co-design guidance for equitable workloads.

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