Research shows that a good onboarding experience can improve the retention of new staff by 82%. But, a 2017 study in the US found that only 12% of employees thought their company did a good job of onboarding.

In this video, we’ll give you some ideas of how to look at the induction process and support provided to new staff at your organisation. We’ll show you what some of our SAGE subscribers found when they explored induction in their Bronze Award applications.

Relevant section in the Athena Swan Bronze Award application

  • 4.1(ii) for higher education institutions
  • 4.1(ii) for research institutions

What we’ll discuss

  • What a typical induction looks like in a SAGE subscriber organisation
  • The role of induction in setting behavioural expectations in terms of equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Common themes in staff feedback on induction
  • The value of tailoring induction for different staff cohorts

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