It’s time to close the gender pay gap in education and research

Institutions working with SAGE are leading the charge for change.

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Australia and Indonesia join forces to support women in STEM leadership

SAGE met with international leaders via the Australian Embassy in Jakarta.

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“The system must change, not the people”: Pathways to Diversity in STEM Review Panel releases recommendations

Recommendations include further funding for best-practice programs such as SAGE.

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SAGE to support 2024 Gender and Education Association Conference in Port Macquarie

Our partnership with Charles Sturt University will bring together education practitioners to explore diversity and inclusion in education.

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Edith Cowan University earns fifth Cygnet Award for gender diversity and inclusion

“We’re learning more about what does and doesn’t work, each day”: Edith Cowan University earns two more Cygnet Awards, is eligible to apply for Silver Athena Swan accreditation.

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Better recruitment: Griffith University earns Cygnet Award for making hiring more gender-equitable

“It’s such a simple tool, but I feel like it actually works”: Griffith has made positive changes to its attraction and recruitment systems.

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Fair promotions: La Trobe University earns Cygnet Award for improving equity in academic career progression

La Trobe had high promotion success rates, but too few women were applying.  They have earned a SAGE Cygnet Award for improving their academic promotions process.

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Edith Cowan University earns Cygnet Award for improving gender equity in Engineering

ECU increased the number of women academics in engineering by 200% since 2017.

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Cygnet Award application (Gender equity in the School of Engineering) – Edith Cowan University

Read about Edith Cowan University’s award-winning actions to reduce gender disparities in the School of Engineering.

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Do STEMM leaders have the gender competence for change?

Leaders say they’re committed to reducing gender inequality, but do they really understand the nature and scope of the problem?

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Research funding as a mechanism to advance gender equity

Join the Australian Government’s Women in STEM Ambassador and SAGE to learn from a 20-year study of Australian research grants and explore practical actions towards gender equity.

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Staff equity is central to realising student equity: SAGE’s submission to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report Consultation

The Interim Report’s increased focus on student equity is welcome. SAGE calls for an equivalent recognition of the value and importance of staff equity, diversity and inclusion.

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