WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) has been recognised with their first SAGE Cygnet Award, for their work to improve support for trans and gender-diverse staff and students.

WEHI’s focus has been on celebrating and raising the profile of trans and gender-diverse (TGD) people among students and staff. Working in collaboration with people with lived experience they have changed policies, practices and culture that were creating difficulty or harm for TGD people in their workplace.

Their work has begun to establish an organisational culture and environment of safety, inclusion and celebration for people of all gender identities.

Acknowledging the limits of the binary

Through their SAGE self-assessment process, WEHI recognised that their existing gender equity program was based on a binary view of gender which prioritised the needs of cis women. They acknowledged that there was a significant need to understand the barriers facing trans and gender diverse (TGD) people in the workplace, and to work towards creating a safe, respectful and inclusive environment for TGD people.

Making change in partnership

With a deep and genuine commitment to improvement, the organisation tackled policies and practices, improving communications, data collection and visibility, participating in days of observance, introducing training and education activities, advocating publicly in support of TGD rights, and providing gender affirmation leave for the first time.

The institute implemented this program of actions in partnership with Transgender Victoria, seeking their expert guidance on the first steps to creating an inclusive and safe workplace.

In 2018 WEHI established WE-Pride, a staff and student network for LGBTQIA+ people and allies that aims to offer a space for discussion, planning education opportunities, activities, and shaping policy and direction for the institute.

WEHI implemented their actions in close consultation with WE-Pride as well as the organisation’s Disability Reference Group and the Overseas Staff and Student Group.

Gender inclusion in medical research

SAGE CEO Dr Janin Bredehoeft congratulated WEHI on taking strong steps to champion and value all members of their staff and student body.

“As part of the medical sector that has long reinforced marginalisation and harm for trans and gender diverse people, medical research institutes have a specific responsibility to promote the inclusion and visibility of gender diversity.

“It is wonderful to see WEHI taking that responsibility seriously and moving beyond mere safety, towards inclusion and celebration.

“Congratulations to everyone who took a leadership role in driving these changes forward, from the staff with lived experience and allies, through to the executive that have supported concrete action.”

Recognising diversity as a creative force in medical research

Carolyn MacDonald, Chief Operating Officer at WEHI, celebrated the recognition of the Cygnet Award.

“We are truly proud to receive the SAGE Cygnet Award as a testament to our commitment to creating an inclusive, safe, and respectful workplace for all,” said Ms MacDonald.

“We recognise that diversity is a creative force that broadens views, enhances ideas, increases productivity and strengthens our science, which makes this SAGE Cygnet Award of direct relevance and great importance to WEHI.”

Staff experiences

Belinda Zipper, WEHI WE-Pride Member
Belinda Zipper, member of WEHI’s We-Pride network

With limited data about TGD people in the organisation, feedback from the WE-Pride Network was critical to understand the impacts of WEHI’s interventions.

LGBTQIA+ staff and students reported that they felt supported by the WEHI community, including senior leadership and that they felt the commitment to inclusion of the LBGTQIA+ community was authentic.

“In so many ways, I’ve always been proud to work at WEHI,” said Belinda Zipper, a member of the We-Pride network.

“As a transgender woman and a member of We-Pride – our staff-led network of LGBTQIA+ staff, students and allies – I am proud of how WEHI has championed the equity and value of all members of our wide community, including women and gender-diverse staff.

“Receiving the SAGE Cygnet Award is a great achievement, another step on our journey of including the voices of women and gender-diverse staff.”

Not a destination

WEHI acknowledges that the steps they have taken to improve TGD inclusion are just the beginning.

With a newly established foundation of policies, an improving understanding of the data, experiences and needs of TGD staff, and the lived experience of the WE-Pride Network to draw on, WEHI aims to build towards embedding gender-inclusive principles in research design and implementation. With a flexible and diverse lens on gender, more complexity will be built into their culture and structures.

You can read WEHI’s full Cygnet Award Application here.