Message from the new CEO
Dear subscribers and friends of SAGE,
I’d like to firstly express my gratitude for the warm welcome I’ve received from the SAGE community since stepping into the role of CEO. I’m truly honoured to lead SAGE in the next phase of its growth journey.
Building on my work at WGEA, I look forward to continuing to leverage an evidence-based approach to drive systemic change for gender equity, diversity and inclusion. Wafa has made a significant contribution and impact on SAGE within her six years as CEO, and I endeavour to build on her incredible legacy.
I am excited about the collaboration opportunities the new year presents for SAGE, starting with taking forward actions from the November Heads of Institutions Forum. We also look forward to receiving the sector’s feedback on the draft Athena Swan Silver Award application form. Consultation is open until 7 April 2023, and we invite subscribers to help us shape the next step of their accreditation journey.
We will also take part in the Government’s review of its existing STEM diversity programs. This is a chance to highlight how the SAGE approach reduces barriers to participation for underrepresented and marginalised groups, and we encourage the SAGE community to get involved in the consultation process.
As 2022 draws to a close, SAGE welcomes the recent passing of the Respect@Work bill, which puts the onus on Australian workplaces to prevent sexual harassment from occurring. We commend the work of Commissioner Jenkins and the report contributors that led to reforms which will further encourage uptake of proactive, systems-change approaches like SAGE, so that everyone can feel safe and respected at work.
On behalf of the SAGE team and the Board, I hope you enjoy a safe and happy holiday season. I’m looking forward to working with SAGE subscribers and collaborators in the new year.
Dr Janin Bredehoeft